In English my name is derived from a flower, in Italian it's an ever green tree with fragrant rose like flowers. My middle name comes from the first for letters of my birth name, Rose. It means peaceful, it means patient, it's like the number 16. A bright color, it's the soft pitter patter of the rain on my window as a spirit enters the world. A mothers soft lullaby, the sweet melody. It was my mothers favorite name & now it's mine. It fits like pieces of a puzzle, two perfect lovers with their fingers intertwined, a mother to its child, like two halves of a heart. It represents me in ways only true eyes can perceive. It's the way an artists' hand embraces his paint brush, how a tagger spray paints his passion, around the world they say my name funny; like it's a rare species brought to society for the first time in history. It's the peace after the war, It's a song whispered like a secret; when it passes through his lips it's soft; like and angels' touch, newly fallen snow, freshly picked strawberries on a warm summers' day. It's that passionate feeling you get from your first kiss, it's real emotion, the spirit of creativity, a single rain drop dangling from a rose petal flushed with pink. It's a singers voice with the potential to be great. I am Kamelia; known only as one other name, Real. Because that's what I am, I am me & I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Removing the mask

IF I haven't made it obvious who I am then maybe you haven't read much of my blog or maybe you were distracted by all my pretty pictures, I know they are quite creative and neat but now it's time for you to know who I am. My name is Kamee Ellsworth, I'm that girl thats been in your class for I don't know MAYBE half a year? Yeah that one girl who you see almost every other day? Haha, maybe it doesn't ring a bell, oh well. Anyways since most of you probably know me and you know what I like I'll just give you a little recap for those of you who don't "know about me"

                THINGS I LIKE                                                   THINGS I DON'T LIKE
                          Art                                                                  People who talk too much
                         Music                                                         When someone butts into a convo.
                        Sports                                                                 they were never in on
                      Cooking                                                                        Homework

Enough of that boring stuff. I am who I know how to be and that is good enough. I am very passionate about my art and all the things I do because I think If theres no effort or you didn't want to do it what's the point in showing it or telling people what you've done. I believe that everything you do should be creative, unique, and be part of you. The music I listen to, the food I eat, the people I associate with, the clothes I wear, and the things I like to do all tell different stories about me. My life is full of fun and new possibilities just wating to be discovered. My favorite saying is "Jump into the deep end because eventually you'll learm how to swim." I believe that in order to find who you are, what you like, or where you want to go in life you have to take a chance and see where it takes you. No great company was ever created without someone coming up with an idea and being brave enough to put it out into the world. Believe in yourself and with yourself you will go far. <3

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